First post

By | May 14, 2024

There’s a movement that’s gaining momentum; there’s a change in human consciousness that I find myself participating in. It’s a shift into a greater awareness of what Andrew Harvey calls the “divine human.” This shift is the growing edge for me. I’m in the midst of changing my sense of who I am, expanding my sense of who I am to include an awareness of my participation in Divinity.

It’s very difficult to put this experience into words. Writing about it in these blogs will be like giving you only the aroma of a fresh baked pie when I really want to give you a taste –the full experience.

Here’s your first sniff of this shift. Rather than thinking of God as outside and greater than myself, I think of God as within, and I am within God. “Me” is becoming a “We.” And love is the energy that blends and binds us together.

That’s it in a nutshell. I expect everything else from here on out in these blogs will be an expansion on the above. I welcome you along for the journey.

November 2014